
On my plate - Spinach Poetry

4:58 PM

I love cooking although I don't write it very often. I'm a real healthy food addcit and I'm not talking here about some stupid diets or limitations. I just believe that 'You are what you eat'. I care about my daily meals and try to eat as clean as possible (slim figure is just a matter of fact; way more important is that our bodies work properly and that our skin looks fresh, yet we generally feel.. just good!).

You want a quick meal when you're hungry like a wolf after the whole day at school/work? Well, I usually do. And this is one of those fast foods that have nothing in common with McDonalds or KFC except that preparing it takes us few minutes. Okay, so today I made up this kinda meal and wanted to share it with you guys since it tasted insane in my opinion!

I'm addicted to spinach, so the more I put it on my plate the more papered I feel. All you need to do to prepare this Spinach Heaven is:

  • some spinach which you'll need to boil in water and then cut into little pieces
  • some pearl barley which you also need to boil
  • two mushrooms (I had them so I added a few)
  • pumpkin seeds
  • feta cheese which you need to put on a pan with spinach, mushrooms and the seeds when they're prepared
Easy as it seems! Try it, maybe it's nothing out of the ordinary but it's healthy and tasty so for me it is perfect! Bon appetit :)

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  1. wiesz Ty co i jak ja mam to zrobić jak nie posiadam patelni od Gesslerowej :(

  2. Do pewnego czasu nie lubiłam szpinaku, ale chyba wszystko, dobrze przyrządzone smakuje dobrze :D Będę musiała spróbować zrobić:D

    1. Ja do pewnego czasu nie tolerowałam warzyw, a teraz to moje ulubione jedzenie :DDD

  3. Widziałaś swoje zdj w glamour?

    1. Tak, przecież sama o tym pisałam na blogu :)

  4. Czemu dodajesz posty po ang, skoro większość czytelników to Polacy?

    1. Bo zależy mi na czytelnikach z całego świata.


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