
I can please only one person each day // ugly shoes

10:32 PM

Skinny jeans, a t-shirt and the most comfortable shoes possible, sounds easy, huh? Well, you know how I love doing everything my way, combining with easy-to-wear pieces and bring something fresh to every outfit. Because, as I once wrote, I can't see the point in creating a fashion blog, a fashion place which is supposed to inspire people in a.. well, boring way, as many of the blogs actually are. I'm not saying here there should be fireworks, balloons, colours and fancy dresses in every post, but bloggers are expected to make headway all the time. Coming back to my outfit and the pictures we took when it was still raining (no matter what, the blog is the most important, right?!) I felt great wearing it to school, no need to suffer from pinching high heels or uncomfortable dress. I found that T-shirt in a second-hand some time ago, a great little treasure which I'm really happy to own (I just realised there's no picture showing you the actual sign on it. It says "I can please only one person each day. Today is not your day. Tommorow doesn't look good either". Simple as it is!). And about the shoes.. well, you may hate me now and delete my blog from your reading list forever, or you may admit that they kind of look cool, don't they? Believe me, a year ago I would be.. hmm.. maybe I wouldn't say that they look awful, cause I've learnt in my life that in fashion nothing like 'ugly' exists, it just depends on your style and the current society's craving, but I wasn't eager to get myself a pair. Few weeks ago my mum (who is the bigges fashion ignorant in the world. Honestly, she never minds what is in fashion now, or then, she just buys whatever she likes and, I must add, that's GREAT!) bought those leather ones - they're in my opinion diffrent than the others, since they have just one strap and no buckles. They're, indeed, comfortable and look perfect added to outfits like this. What do you think? 

ph. Kasia Ko, wearing: sh t-shirt, Ryłko shoes, Zara pants

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  1. Super zdjęcia, bardzo klimatycznie.:)
    T-shirt świetny!
    Pozdrawiam :*

  2. Cool laid back look! Some months ago I wouldn't have be - let's say - looking in a positive way at those shoes ;P But now I think it's really interesting to style them since they bring a special touch to a outfit! (I love the sign on your tee^^)


  3. Cudne klapki <3 Moja babcia też mówi że bardzo wygodne i zawsze nosi je na działkę :D


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