Livin' in my dino
8:34 AM
Właściwie nie wiem co podkusiło mnie do zrobienia tych zdjęć. Jakiś czas temu wymyśliłam sobie, że absolutnie niezbędnym do kontemplowania jesieni dodatkiem będzie domowy kombinezon, cieplejszy i praktyczniejszy od koca. Trafiłam na wieszaku na ten imitujący dinozaura, zmierzyłam dla żartu i skończyłam przy kasie.
Jest to jedna z tych dziwacznych rzeczy, niekoniecznie ubrań, które w jakiś pokręcony sposób mnie interesują. Początkowo chciałam zrobić sesję z udziałem Dinozaura (dla przyjaciół Dino) w jakimś markecie, ale sprzedawcy w Lidlu okazali się nieprzychylni (zero zrozumienia dla artyzmu!), skończyliśmy więc na dachu. Szybko wymyśliliśmy pretekst dlaczego biegam w centrum miasta przebrana za niebieskiego stwora (to ekstrawagancja nawet jak na mnie) - Halloween. Nie, nie byłam tak ubrana minionego wieczoru (wolałam jednak czarną opcję z pobitymi oczami i czerwonymi ustami), ale kilka zdjęć się ostało, a ja z przyjemnością się z Wami nimi dzielę. Tym razem macie dużo uśmiechu i pozytywnej energii, przyda się na te depresyjne wieczory :)
Honestly I have no idea what made me buy this dinosaur onesie. Well, I just came to the conclusion that an onesie would be a perfect piece to spend autumn in my room and when I saw this blue one I laughed so hard that I tried it on. And ended paying for it. Sometimes you just want to splash out your money for somethig crazy and not necesserily stylish. Have fun you peolpe! :)
I had this whole vision for a photoshooting in a supermarket (you know, Chanel inspiration, that kinda thing) but apparently people working at Lidl don't get my artisitc vision. Well, they're gonna so regret it in future. My photographer and I ended up taking pictures on a roof and although we chose just few pictures to show you, I had so much fun taking those! Everyone were looking at me, smiling and asking what the hell I am doing. And I was just running, jumping and laughing. We told them it's connected with the upcoming Halloween feast (which was totally NOT true, but a perfect excuse!). And just in time you ate all the sweets you had picked yesterday's night I'm sharing with you my smile, blue costume, positive vibes and energy. Don't be depressed, Christmas is coming in two months!
Honestly I have no idea what made me buy this dinosaur onesie. Well, I just came to the conclusion that an onesie would be a perfect piece to spend autumn in my room and when I saw this blue one I laughed so hard that I tried it on. And ended paying for it. Sometimes you just want to splash out your money for somethig crazy and not necesserily stylish. Have fun you peolpe! :)
I had this whole vision for a photoshooting in a supermarket (you know, Chanel inspiration, that kinda thing) but apparently people working at Lidl don't get my artisitc vision. Well, they're gonna so regret it in future. My photographer and I ended up taking pictures on a roof and although we chose just few pictures to show you, I had so much fun taking those! Everyone were looking at me, smiling and asking what the hell I am doing. And I was just running, jumping and laughing. We told them it's connected with the upcoming Halloween feast (which was totally NOT true, but a perfect excuse!). And just in time you ate all the sweets you had picked yesterday's night I'm sharing with you my smile, blue costume, positive vibes and energy. Don't be depressed, Christmas is coming in two months!

(ph. Paweł Gryko)
Skąd ?! shut up and take my money :D
ReplyDeleteKońcówki kolekcji, pojedyńcza sztuka!
DeleteJaką fakturę ma ten kombinezon? Bo na zdjęciach wygląda jak materiał "ręcznikowy" :D
ReplyDeleteJak szlafrok ;)
DeleteCudowny! :)