
Portobello livin'

9:06 PM

Portobello is my favourite place in London ever. I mean, I love London's architecture everywhere, those detached houses, cute gardens with palms and pink flowers, but whenever I am in Portobello (which is mainly everyday because I work there) I just can't stop smiling. Magnolia trees, calm atmosphere and colourful buildings are enough for me to feel elated, seriously. That day we shot the pictures just after a stressful day at work, but anyways, it was quite hot so I just put on some shorts and sleeveless tee on and went for a walk with my friends. And yes, New Balance shoes always on the point! 
PS. Couldn't decide which pictures to choose so I just put too many #sorryimnotsorry

(wearing: sh shorts & tshirt, NB shoes, Mohito sunglasses)

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